Show bonus movies
Show only IMDb top 5000 actor connections
You can drag and zoom the view with a mouse.
Clicking a node or choosing a movie from the drop down menu highlights it and its neighbours. Press 'Reset Selection' if you want to see the whole network again.
Hovering over a connection shows the people the movies have in common:
Shared directors and writers appear in [brackets] with a dashed connection.
Actors who are uncredited in either movie appear in (parenthesis) with a dashed connection.
The actors in IMDb top 5000 have a star* in their name. The 'Top 5000' changes constantly, this site does not update in real time.
The width of the connection depends on how many people the movies have in common.
While drawing the connections the style prioritizes credited actors. Meaning that even if only director connections are visible, some of the connections are solid and not dashed which would indicate those movies share an actor. Hovering over the connections however reveals that they also share a director.
If you cannot find a movie check IMDb for alternate titles. The data is fetched automatically from IMDb where sometimes the default name of the film is different than the one used in the podcast.